Monday, May 28, 2012

Europe 2012 - Day 11

Today we drove from Galway (west coast) to just south of Dublin (east coast).  Prior to hitting the road, we rented some clubs & played a round of golf.  Once again, a beautiful day!  Before tee off I got a little lecture from Alan…

…Kristyn, you have to watch your ball.  We don’t have a golf cart to drive around to find it
…Kristyn, they only gave us 3 balls each, so you have to really concentrate today to not go too far off the fairway

I admit, I am not the best golfer.  But, boy, did that little lecture bite him in the ass J  First hole, he drives into the woods.   Ball cannot be found.  Second hole, he drives into the heather.  Ball cannot be found.  I'll admit, it was nearly impossible to find your ball, even in the first rough off the fairway.  The course was covered in these little white flowers.  Not exactly easy to spot a white golf ball.  Anyway, it was quite the stressful day for Alan…as he continued to lose all 6 of our balls.  Guess how many balls Kristyn lost?  That’s right…zero.  So, this will go down in history as the only time I beat Alan in golf.  He is still bitter about it…kind of comparable to a MSU loss J

Sigh, last day in Ireland.  It is bittersweet to end a vacation.  While we would love a few more days of no true responsibility, we are ready to head to home sweet home.

[Nice views of Glenlo Abbey in the background]

[Overlooking the lake]

[Did you find your ball, hunny?]

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