Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Europe 2012 - Day 4

Alan and I woke up to cheering outside of our hotel window this morning.  Denmark must really be excited we are here, I thought ;-)  But in reality, the Copenhagen marathon was today, and we were on the route!  Our hotel is in a picturesque location, on the river over looking downtown.  We picked up coffee & muffins and hit our lobby patio to watch the runners go along the boardwalk.  The sun was out all day, it was warm and beautiful.  First time in Europe I haven’t worn a coat!

[Look at that clear blue sky!  I just love walking along all the canals that line the streets.]

We did a ton of walking today, all the way to Christiania.  It’s a little hard to understand this place, so I wanted to visit, just so we could experience it.  It is an area in Denmark…but they are recognized separate from the European Union.  So, they really don’t follow all laws.  Kind of like how Quebec is ‘separate’ from Canada.  It felt like we were walking into a 60s festival – people were selling weed, playing music, selling goods from stands.  I think Alan and I looked like deer in headlights, since we really aren’t ‘into’ that kind of stuff.  It was just so strange.  And universally accepted among Danes, that a place like this exists.  Which makes it even stranger to me.  Cameras aren’t exactly encouraged, so we only took a picture of us eating nachos & drinking beer.

[Entrance to Christiania.  See...so 60s]

[The sign that lets everyone know they are going back into the EU]

Tonight we went to a Circus…more like cirque du soleil, than lions & clowns.  It was put on by kids in their late teens, and they did an amazing job!  Michelle’s friend’s younger brother was one of the performers.  Afterwards we visited Michelle’s Bedstmore (grandma).  For those of you who don’t know the story…Michelle (1/2 Danish) moved here 2 months ago, one way ticket, to fulfill her dream of living in Denmark.  Bedstemore was such a great host.  She set a proper table with china teacups & flowers.  This morning she made homemade strawberry layer cake and rolls. Michelle played translator the entire night, since Bedste doesn’t understand English.  I am so proud, her Danish is really coming along.  When she moved here, she only knew simple stuff, like how to count, sing happy birthday…and 7 weeks later she can have full conversations!  Living with your 90-year-old grandma who doesn’t speak English really engrains you in the language!  We finished the night we 5 games of rummy.  Bedstemore was so excited that I suggested we play.  It makes me so happy that I could finally meet her (after hearing of Denmark & Bedste for so many years).  And now my name is forever written in the rummy scorekeeping book!

[Circus...2 girls on the ribbons, there were only in their early teens]

[Bedstemore's tablescape]

[pretty teacups]

[me + michelle + Bedste]

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